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How to Relieve: 5 Effective Constipation Yoga Poses

How to Relieve: 5 Effective Constipation Yoga Poses

If constipation is making you uncomfortable, constipation yoga may hold the key to relief. This article concentrates on yoga exercises for constipation, giving you actionable poses such as twists and folds that stimulate digestion and promote regularity.

Expect a straightforward guide full of pragmatic moves to alleviate bowel troubles and improve your digestive function naturally with constipation yoga.

Key Takeaways

  • Yoga can enhance digestive health and relieve constipation by engaging core muscles, applying pressure on the abdomen, and improving blood circulation, especially through poses like twisting and forward folds.

  • Practicing yoga positions such as the Seated Twist, Supine Spinal Twist, Forward Fold, Wind Relieving Pose, and Garland Pose can target the abdomen, stimulate organ function, and aid in the alleviation of constipation symptoms.

  • To safely employ yoga as a remedy for constipation, one should seek guidance from a qualified instructor, listen to their body’s signals, stay hydrated, maintain a fiber-rich diet, and consider integrating additional lifestyle changes like increased physical activity and stress management.

The Connection Between Yoga and Constipation Relief

When you step on your yoga mat and start moving through various yoga poses, you’re doing more than just stretching your muscles. You’re engaging your core muscles in a way that applies pressure on the abdomen, enhancing bowel movement and supporting digestive health. Certain yoga poses also stimulate blood circulation, especially to the stomach areas, further aiding digestion.

Twisting poses and forward folds, in particular, are among the best yoga practices for alleviating chronic constipation. By stimulating bowel activity, these poses facilitate body movement, which supports digestive system health and ultimately helps to relieve constipation.

The Role of Stress in Constipation

Chronic stress can take a toll on your digestive system, often leading to sluggish digestion and, subsequently, constipation. The good news is that yoga, by reducing stress and activating the parasympathetic nervous system, can facilitate more efficient operation of the gastrointestinal system.

Engaging in regular exercise, such as yoga, has several benefits for digestive health:

  • It stimulates the release of endorphins that improve mood and reduce stress, contributing positively to hormonal balance.

  • Yoga also stimulates the vagus nerve, which plays a critical role in lowering inflammation and restoring balance in the gut-brain axis.

  • Consequently, yoga poses for constipation relief can help to alleviate symptoms and prevent hard stools from forming.

Benefits of Practicing Yoga for Digestive Health

Practicing yoga is not just about flexibility or strength; it also positively impacts your digestive health. The benefits of yoga for the digestive system are manifold, including enhanced digestion and constipation relief. Certain yoga poses offer a sort of digestive massage to your abdominal organs, stimulating them and promoting better digestion.

Moreover, yoga contributes to overall well-being by improving digestion. By targeting the muscles in your abdomen and enhancing blood flow, yoga can alleviate digestive troubles and help regulate bowel habits. So, the next time you roll out your yoga mat, remember that you’re not only working towards a more flexible body and a peaceful mind but also towards better digestion and relief from digestive woes.

Five Essential Yoga Constipation Poses for Constipation Relief

When it comes to specific yoga poses for constipation relief, there are five that stand out due to their ability to target the abdominal muscles, promote bowel movements, and aid relaxation. These include:

  1. Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

  2. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

  3. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

  4. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

  5. Garland Pose (Malasana)

Each of these poses exerts pressure on the abdomen, enhances blood flow, and stimulates organ function to ease constipation.

1. Seated Twist (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

The Seated Twist, or Ardha Matsyendrasana, is a pose designed to stimulate the digestive tract, thus aiding in the relief of constipation. This pose features a unique twisting motion that activates the abdominal muscles. This action is believed to promote movement through the digestive system, thereby helping to relieve constipation.

To perform the seated twist, you place one foot outside the opposite thigh while the midsection is twisted towards the bent knee. This is thought to enhance digestive movement. Overall, the Sitting Half Spinal Twist Pose, which involves the left knee and left leg, is effective in relaxing muscles involved in bowel movements, providing notable relief from constipation.

2. Supine Spinal Twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

Next in line is the Supine Spinal Twist, or Supta Matsyendrasana, a gentle reclining twist that can help alleviate constipation by applying pressure on the abdomen and promoting relaxation. This pose, along with the cobra pose, involves a gentle twisting action that can help move food through the digestive system and expel waste. Incorporating yoga asanas like these can greatly benefit your overall health.

By performing this gentle twisting pose, which applies light pressure on the abdomen, it can increase circulation to the gut and help alleviate discomfort. Not only is this yoga pose recommended for its calming effect on the body, but it’s also a favorable choice for those experiencing constipation.

3. Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

The Standing Wide Forward Fold pose, also known as Uttanasana, is recognized for its effectiveness in constipation relief. This pose promotes blood flow to the abdominal area, which encourages bowel movements and aids in the alleviation of constipation. Additionally, practicing the bow pose can further enhance these benefits.

When you fold forward, you’re effectively bringing your body into a position that helps to enhance the blood circulation to the abdomen. This not only encourages bowel movements, but it also aids digestion and helps to relieve constipation.

4. Wind Relieving Pose (Pavanamuktasana)

The Wind-Relieving Pose, or Pavanamuktasana, is a pose known for its ability to:

  • expel gas

  • address digestive disorders such as dyspepsia and acid reflux

  • alleviate constipation by applying gentle pressure on the abdomen, which aids in releasing trapped gas.

By doing so, Pavanamuktasana not only provides relief from the discomfort associated with trapped gas but also aids in the movement of bowels, thus preventing constipation. This makes it one of the most effective yoga poses for constipation relief.

5. Garland Pose (Malasana)

Finally, we have the Garland Pose, also known as Malasana or the Yogi Squat pose. This pose enhances colon function by:

  • Stimulating the lining of the colon

  • Aiding in improving digestive responsiveness

  • Opening the hips to support the improvement of bowel movements

  • Promoting efficient elimination

The benefits of Malasana include:

  • Promoting efficient elimination

  • Stimulating the digestive tract

  • Supporting bowel movements

  • Providing relief from constipation

If you’re seeking to alleviate your digestive issues through yoga, Malasana is a must-try.

Tips for Practicing Yoga Safely for Constipation Relief

Illustration of a person consulting a yoga instructor

While yoga can be a powerful tool for constipation relief, it’s important to practice it safely to reap its full benefits. This involves:

  • Consulting with a qualified yoga instructor for guidance on proper alignment and technique

  • Being attuned to your body’s signals to avoid pushing beyond your physical limits

  • Maintaining a balanced diet with sufficient fiber and hydration

Adapting poses with modifications and using yoga props can also make your practice safer and more effective for constipation relief.

Consult a Yoga Instructor

Engaging with a qualified yoga instructor can be beneficial for ensuring safe and personalized yoga practices that promote general health and well-being. A yoga instructor provides essential guidance on proper alignment and technique, which is especially crucial when performing yoga poses for constipation relief.

Personalized instruction from a yoga instructor is particularly important for beginners to ensure they are performing poses correctly and safely to aid in constipation relief. Yoga instructors must also be aware of their professional scope and limitations, and possess the knowledge to refer students to medical professionals when necessary.

Listen to Your Body

Understanding the difference between pain and discomfort is crucial in yoga practice to avoid harm and learn about one’s physical boundaries. Attuning to one’s own physical sensations and limits during yoga practice is vital to avoid overexertion and to adapt poses for individual comfort and safety.

Being attentive to the body’s limitations during yoga helps prevent injuries by avoiding the urge to push beyond one’s physical capacity. The ability to do yoga poses can vary day by day; respecting this variability is part of a mindful yoga practice. Quieting the mind is a first step in yoga that enables an individual to become more attuned to their body’s needs and energy flow.

Stay Hydrated and Maintain a Balanced Diet

Adequate hydration is crucial for maintaining healthy digestion and facilitating constipation relief. An individual’s hydration needs vary based on size, health conditions, and activity levels, and meeting these needs is essential for constipation relief and overall hydration.

A diet rich in fiber, combined with sufficient hydration, supports digestive health and can help relieve constipation. This means incorporating high-fiber foods such as:

  • liquids

  • fruits

  • vegetables

  • whole grains

  • legumes

  • nuts

into your diet.

So, the next time you step on your yoga mat, remember to keep a water bottle handy and fuel your body with fiber-rich foods!

Additional Lifestyle Changes for Combating Constipation

While yoga can work wonders for constipation relief, it’s also important to consider other lifestyle changes that can help combat constipation. Increasing physical activity, managing stress through relaxation techniques, and adjusting dietary habits to include high-fiber foods and regular meals can all play a significant role in alleviating constipation.

Increasing Physical Activity

Engaging in regular exercise, including yoga, leads to the following benefits for digestive health:

  • More consistent bowel movements

  • Enhanced digestive health

  • Improved cardiovascular health

  • Stimulated intestinal muscle contractions for quicker bowel movements

Regularly practicing yoga poses can have several benefits for digestion, including:

  • Exerting pressure on the stomach and aiding in the movement of bowels, thus preventing constipation

  • Expediting digestion by reducing the time food remains in the large intestine

  • Limiting water absorption from the stool, leading to softer stools

These benefits can help improve overall digestive health, including the well-being of your digestive organs.

Regular short walks can significantly enhance digestive function, while more intense aerobic exercises benefit those who are fit.

Managing Stress

Implementing stress-reduction techniques is essential for calming the nervous system, which can lessen the detrimental effects of stress on digestion. Deep breathing exercises and meditation are examples of stress-reduction methods that positively influence digestive functions.

Practicing relaxation techniques like slow breathing, meditation, and yoga can activate the body’s relaxation response, leading to more efficient digestion. Exercise can enhance blood flow throughout the body, which includes providing nutrients and oxygen to the digestive system. Therapeutic techniques such as acupuncture, acupressure, and meditation may help relax the mind and muscles, increasing blood flow and possibly relieving abdominal pain.

Adjusting Dietary Habits

Adults are advised to consume between 22 to 34 grams of fiber daily to maintain healthy digestion and alleviate constipation. High-fiber foods such as:

  • liquids

  • fruits

  • vegetables

  • whole grains

  • legumes

  • nuts

should be included in the diet to help relieve constipation.

To assist in preventing constipation, it’s recommended to limit intake of low-fiber foods like chips, fast food, meats, and processed foods. Eating regular meals and snacks without skipping meals can alleviate digestive issues such as constipation by ensuring balanced food intake.


To sum up, yoga can be a powerful tool for constipation relief, thanks to its ability to engage core muscles, apply pressure on the abdomen, and promote blood circulation. The key to benefiting from yoga for constipation relief is to practice it safely, under the guidance of a qualified instructor, while listening to your body and maintaining a balanced diet and hydration. In addition to yoga, increasing physical activity, managing stress, and adjusting dietary habits can also help combat constipation. So, why not roll out your yoga mat and try yoga for constipation relief?


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Frequently Asked Questions

How does yoga help relieve constipation?

Yoga can help relieve constipation by engaging core muscles, applying pressure on the abdomen, and promoting blood circulation, which enhances bowel movement and supports digestive health. Certain yoga poses like the Seated Twist, Supine Spinal Twist, Forward Fold, Wind Relieving Pose, and Garland Pose are effective in alleviating constipation.

Is it safe to practice yoga for constipation relief?

Yes, practicing yoga for constipation relief is safe as long as you do so under the guidance of a qualified instructor and listen to your body to prevent injury. Always prioritize proper alignment and technique.

Can lifestyle changes help combat constipation?

Yes, lifestyle changes such as practicing yoga, increasing physical activity, managing stress, and adjusting dietary habits to include high-fiber foods can help combat constipation. Regular meals also play a significant role in alleviating constipation.

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